I had someone ask us why we get involved with BStrong4Life. He was questioning the value of a fitness machine or device in a traditional chiropractic practice. My answer to this question is really twofold and I hope that by posting it here helps others to understand the value this can bring to your care in our practice.
A big part of the BStrong4Life program is the Biodensity unit and traditionally Biodensity has marketed their unit for strength training and bone density increasing. For that reason alone the BStrong program can benefit many of our patients. We see a large number of older people in our office that have weakness across their entire muscular system and have decreased bone mineral density and some are even diagnosed as having osteoporosis. This program allows the patient to load their muscles and bones in a way that is safe and effective to cause a body response in muscle and bone density growth. This result will definitely help our patients overall health which is one of the goals for all of our patients.
As we all know our muscles work because they cross the joints in our bodies. If you have a history of neck or back pain you probably have a loss of the normal curves and possibly even spinal arthritis. In this case it is important to have strong muscles to better support this possibly unstable spine. What BStrong4Life helps us do is build stronger muscles to strengthen and support not just the joints in your spine, but the joints throughout your entire body. In this way BStrong4Life is a great tool to help to rehab your body to a stronger and more stable state than every before.
In our office we utilize BStrong4Life as a tool for spinal and whole body rehabilitation as well as a means to better your health through increasing bone mineral density. To find out how BStrong4Life can specifically help you give us a call and we can set up a free consultation to discuss it.